Electric Roof Blinds

Roof Lantern Blind for large area

Roof Light Blinds

This new extension has a mainly glass roof and needed shading. Due to the construction it was not possible to put an awning on the outside so we put one inside. We can cover almost any size and area, there is always a solution. Get in touch today for and book a free consultation with one of […]

Roof Lantern Blinds in large kitchen area

We installed 2 wireless remote controlled roof lantern blinds in this large kitchen area. The client had been suffering with the heat during the summer but now has a solution to help reduce it going forward. Get in touch today if you have similar needs to book an appointment with one of our experienced sales team. […]

Roof Light Blinds

Roof Light Blinds are becoming more popular as our weather and living spaces are changing.  If you have a large or small roof lantern/glass roof then you will know how much light and heat they let in. It’s lovely having natural light entering our homes.  However, the glare and heat can restrict the usage of […]

Various shading solutions

These new build houses have been suffering from the south facing sun. Here we have installed drop arm awnings together with external roof light awnings and a couple of full cassette awnings. This will keep the houses cooler in the summer months. Get in touch if you are being baked by the sun and need […]

Battery Roller Blinds & Electric Roof Blind

A large roof area covered with a remote controlled roof blind for a very hot south facing room. All the windows have rechargeable battery powered roller blinds. Get in touch today if you have similar circumstances and need a shading solution.    

Roof Lantern Blinds

White internal roof blind on the ceiling of big house

With the current weather we are having, covering up a large area of glass is what Radiant Blinds & Awnings does so well. Here the roof lantern area was covered using a wireless remote controlled internal blind. There is a choice of fabric available to choose from. Get in touch today if you need shading solutions […]

Electric Blinds For Roof Lanterns

Electric Blinds For Roof Lanterns really can transform your living space Roof Lanterns have got to be the most popular addition to any modern home. These large glass features are being installed to newly renovated homes as well as new builds. You can see why since they fill the room with wonderful natural light. Consequently, […]